SME Finance Solution

Property Joint
Venture Fund

The core of our focus is providing you with finance for your formal business. We structure unique, individualised financing solutions using shareholder loans, equity, royalties and term loans – or any combination of these. We pride ourselves on having developed a range of finance products offering maximum flexibility to suit your specific needs.

Property Joint Venture Fund

Up To 100% Commercial
Property Finance

Our Property Joint Venture Fund provides finance to established entrepreneurs looking to add multi- tenanted properties to their investment portfolio. We do this because we understand that multi-tenanted properties provide both capital appreciation and a rental income.

We co-invest in multi-tenanted property projects mainly in two instances:

  1. When a potential investor (established entrepreneur) is unable or unwilling to invest the full deposit (equity) required by a commercial lending institution.
  2. Where a viable property investment has been over-geared and needs a restructuring of the existing debt, converting debt finance to equity finance.
  • Property investments in sustainable areas offering good growth and/or return on investment, preferably in metropolitan areas.
  • Retail, industrial, and commercial multi-tenanted properties with a value of between R2 million and R120 million.
  • Properties that require reconfiguration or upgrades.
  • Cut-up-and-sell properties and industrial leasebacks.
  • The prospective property investor may choose to either have an active role or be a passive investor.
We do not finance residential properties (homes for own use), agricultural properties, and mines.
A maximum of 10 years.
R500 000 to R50 million.
A proportionate share of the equity will be required and will influence the shareholding percentage.
Completed application.
Details of the property and supporting documentation.
The business owners’ latest personal assets and liabilities.

If you are an established entrepreneur, apply today to obtain up to 100% commercial property finance.