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General Enquiries

We consider all viable small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for business finance.

Yes, we finance established entrepreneurs of all genders and to address some of the societal challenges, we put in efforts to support businesses run by female entrepreneurs.

We finance start-ups in very exceptional cases; usually this would be a start-up started by a serial entrepreneur or by an individual with years of experience working in the industry in which they are starting the business.

Yes, we finance established entrepreneurs of all races and to address some of the societal challenges, we put in efforts to support businesses run by females and black entrepreneurs.
Yes, we finance established entrepreneurs of all races.
  • Entrepreneurs are our exclusive focus and, as such, we offer products and services specifically tailored to meet their unique needs.
  • We have been investing in entrepreneurs since 2006 and offer both business finance and added-value solutions, catering for every step of the business journey.
  • Our staff have in-depth knowledge of the SME sector, as well as insight into the opportunities available to and challenges facing businesses.
  • We are a viability-based financier and do not have the same security and other requirements that the commercial banks do.
Although there is no minimum requirement regarding own contribution, the lack thereof places strain on the gearing of the business, that is, its debt vs its equity, thus affecting the ability of the entrepreneur to repay the debt and the viability of the business.

We aim to be as quick as possible in giving you a response to your application. The timeframe involved depends on the comprehensiveness of the business plan submitted, the complexity of the due diligence process and the time is takes for you to provide answers and/or additional information as requested by our Investment team, where necessary.

We call ourselves Business Partners Limited because we are invested in seeing business owners succeed. Our name expresses our commitment to the relationship with the business owners we serve. Not only are we committed to providing business finance solely for viable small to medium businesses, but we also bind ourselves to support business owners with our knowledge and value-added services every step of the way.

That is why we have been the business financier of choice for many business owners for four decades.

We provide business finance in most sectors including manufacturing, commercial property, retail, motor trade, travel and tourism, leisure, and services industries.

We do not provide finance for on-lending activities, farming (primary agriculture) operations, underground mining. We also do not finance non-profit organisations, informal and micro enterprises.

We do not provide finance for on-lending activities, farming (primary agriculture) operations, underground mining. We also do not finance non-profit organisations, informal and micro enterprises.

We provide business finance at different stages of growth and for different purposes including working capital, expansions, buying of businesses, management buy-outs and franchises.

Generally, we consider finance where the business’s gross assets are under R100 million, where turnover does not exceed R200 million per annum and/or where employees are less than 500 in number.

  • The underlying business must be proven to be viable.
  • The business should have a sound financial track record.
  • The business must occupy at least 50% of the property to be purchased.
  • The property to be purchased should be in a good condition, well located and be available at a reasonable market value.
  • The operating business should meet affordability expectations.
  • Residential and agriculture properties are excluded.

We consider financing applications from businesses whose gross assets are under R100 million, where annual turnover does not exceed R200 million and/or employees are less than 500 in number.

Each application is considered on its merits and on the potential profitability of the business.

You can apply online on our website.

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